Generative AI Policy

The advent of generative artificial intelligence (AI) has precipitated a significant paradigm shift in the aggregation and accessibility of human knowledge. While this technology harbors the potential to markedly enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and broaden our outreach capabilities, its deployment must be managed with utmost care to prevent the erosion of work quality, disempowerment of personnel, and unintentional acts of plagiarism.

In light of these considerations, FinTech Legal Center has established this Generative Artificial Intelligence Utilization Policy to delineate the framework within which our organization, inclusive of our employees, external collaborators, and the general public, shall engage with generative AI technologies.

AI Policy Premise

The FLC is fundamentally inclined towards the adoption and experimental application of generative AI by our staff. We recognize the potential of such technology to augment our operational capabilities and to enrich our understanding of artificial intelligence, thereby reinforcing our position on AI advocacy. Concurrently, FLC is resolved to prevent the misuse of generative AI as a conduit for generating inferior, low-effort outputs and is committed to employing this technology in a manner that is congruent with our organizational ethos. Additionally, FLC upholds a staunch commitment to human-centric operational principles, ensuring that the utilization of generative AI is aimed at augmenting staff capabilities without supplanting human labor. Therefore, the mandate of generative AI usage for task completion is expressly proscribed.

Operational Guidelines

  • Original Works: In the creation of novel content (for instance, analytical reports, contractual documents, and legal advisories), the use of generative AI is circumscribed owing to the heightened risk of inadvertent plagiarism, factual inaccuracies, and lackluster composition. In these instances, generative AI may be employed for purposes such as ideation, research augmentation, editorial refinement, vocabulary enhancement, routine task execution, and the generation of informational graphics, with the proviso that the primary author assumes full responsibility for the veracity and caliber of the final output.
  • Derivative Works: For the adaptation of original content into formats tailored for alternative platforms or demographics (such as social media dispatches and informational newsletters), the application of generative AI in creating summarizations, proposing titles, or fabricating presentation materials is permissible, provided the foundational input is derived from FLC’s original intellectual property.

Internal Applications: FLC staff is encouraged to explore the utilization of generative AI for internal operational efficiencies, such as the synthesis of meeting deliberations or the categorization of organizational documentation, to foster procedural streamlining and enhance organizational productivity.

External Dissemination: Employment of generative AI for purposes not expressly mentioned herein must be subject to prior evaluation and authorization by a designated managerial authority, ensuring adherence to FLC’s quality and ethical standards.

Universal Compliance Measures: Independent of the specific use case, FLC mandates adherence to several universal standards in the deployment of generative AI:

  • All personnel are imperatively responsible for the integrity and accuracy of their AI-assisted outputs, necessitating rigorous review processes, including factual and citation verification.
  • The entry of sensitive, confidential, or private information into generative AI systems is strictly forbidden without prior vetting and approval of the system’s data privacy and security protocols by the management, ensuring that such data, if disclosed, does not contravene confidentiality agreements or jeopardize FLC’s reputation.

This policy is subject to continuous reassessment and amendment to align with the evolving dynamics of generative AI technology and its implications for our sector. FLC is dedicated to the responsible exploitation of these technological advances, prioritizing the enhancement of our human resources and maintaining our unwavering commitment to excellence.

This policy was not created using AI. Last update: 11.03.2024.

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