// Fund Manager License

A fund management company primarily focuses on the management of assets belonging to funds established as companies or contractual funds. It is common for a management company to oversee multiple funds.  

In addition to fund management, the company may offer various services such as managing a securities portfolio in accordance with the law, providing investment advice, holding fund units or shares on behalf of clients, and offering fund management services for funds whose assets it does not directly manage. 

The legal and regulatory framework applicable to fund managers is harmonised at the EU level. Therefore, we can support your company in getting a fund manager license in Estonia and other selected European jurisdictions. 

Further, we can assist your company in guaranteeing compliance during its operations. 

General requirements 

The general requirements slightly change from country to country. In any case, they can be summarised as follows: 

  • Only public companies can apply for the license 
  • The shareholders must have an impeccable business reputation 
  • The members of the board must have an impeccable business reputation, along with education, experience and professional qualifications necessary to manage an investment firm 
  • Permanent establishment in the country in which the company applies for the license 
  • Compliance with the anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing law and regulations 
  • Compliance with the GDPR 
  • Minimum share capital: EUR 125.000. 

Passporting / Operating abroad 

European fund managers have the right to provide their services within the European Economic Area. 


The time to obtain a license varies from country to country. In any case, the decision on the application for a fund manager license is usually made in 2-4 months. 

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