// GDPR & Privacy Made Easy

Navigating the intricacies of European privacy regulations can often feel like entering a labyrinth. The GDPR, in particular, stands as a testament to the complexity of these laws, serving as merely the surface of a much deeper regulatory landscape. Moreover, nuances in local regulations further complicate matters, demanding adherence on both national and international fronts.

At FinTech Legal Center, we boast profound expertise in navigating the intricate landscape of privacy requirements. Our specialization lies in meticulously evaluating the specific mandates your business must adhere to, encompassing both domestic legislation and global standards. Moreover, we are dedicated to crafting meticulously tailored privacy policies to precisely fit the unique needs of your company. Complementing our services, we offer a superb GDPR Compliance tool designed to streamline and simplify your GDPR compliance journey.

Why does complying with GDPR matter?

Compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) offers several benefits for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). It’s not just about avoiding fines but also about building a culture of data protection and trust that can benefit your company in various ways. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Enhanced Data Security: GDPR compliance necessitates implementing robust data security measures like encryption and access controls. This helps SMBs protect sensitive customer information from breaches and cyberattacks, safeguarding their reputation and avoiding costly data breaches.
  • Trust and Reputation: By adhering to GDPR standards, SMBs demonstrate their commitment to protecting customer privacy and data rights. This fosters customer trust, leading to stronger relationships and enhanced brand reputation.
  • Legal Compliance: Compliance with GDPR ensures that SMBs meet legal requirements concerning data protection and privacy. This reduces the risk of penalties, fines, or legal actions for non-compliance, which can financially damage SMBs.
  • Access to EU Market: If an SMB operates internationally or intends to expand into the European Union (EU), GDPR compliance is essential. Adhering to GDPR facilitates access to the EU market by ensuring the business meets the legal requirements for handling EU citizens’ data.
  • Competitive Advantage: GDPR compliance can serve as a competitive differentiator, especially when dealing with customers who prioritise data privacy and security. Businesses that comply with GDPR may attract customers wary of sharing their data with non-compliant companies, giving compliant SMBs a competitive edge.
  • Streamlined Data Management: GDPR compliance often entails implementing structured data management practices, including data mapping, consent management, and data retention policies. This can lead to more efficient data handling processes, reducing the risk of data misuse and facilitating better decision-making.
  • Cost Savings in the Long Run: While achieving GDPR compliance may require initial investments in technology, training, and process improvements, the long-term benefits can outweigh the costs. Over time, avoiding data breaches, fines, and legal penalties can result in significant cost savings for SMBs.
  • Improved Customer Relationships: GDPR compliance encourages transparent customer communication regarding data collection, processing, and usage. This fosters better customer relationships, as they feel more informed and empowered about how their data is handled.

What is a GDPR Audit?

A GDPR audit is a comprehensive assessment conducted to evaluate your company’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This process involves a thorough examination of data processing activities, privacy policies, security measures, and overall adherence to GDPR requirements.

Through a GDPR audit, together with you, we can identify potential gaps in compliance, assess risks associated with data handling practices, and implement necessary measures to ensure alignment with GDPR standards.

Our GDPR Compliance Tool

Discover the indispensable GDPR Compliance Tool that is crucial for safeguarding not only your business’s valuable data but also your loyal customers’ sensitive information.

This cutting-edge tool ensures that your company remains fully compliant with data protection regulations, providing peace of mind and security in an increasingly digital world.

Discover the essential GDPR Compliance Tool

A crucial asset for safeguarding your valuable business data and the sensitive information of your loyal customers.

Records of Processing Activities

A dynamic database management for streamlined compliance documentation.

Incident & Data Subject Access Request Tracking

Efficient incident response and request management to demonstrate professional compliance.

Audit & Gap Analysis Assistant

Automated audit processes and gap analysis to identify and address compliance gaps.

Data Map, Logbook
and more…

A visual representation of compliance status for enhanced client communication and transparency and a Detailed tracking of compliance efforts for accountability and reporting purposes. And more!

Our Transparent Pricing


€ 1.800

starting from

Identify potential gaps in compliance

Assess risks associated with data handling practices

Review of documentation and key personnel interviews

Stay ahead of the game by ensuring compliance!


€ 5.900

starting from (per year)

All-in-one solution for your peace of mind

Audit & Gap Analysis, Records of Processing Activities and Incident & Data Subject Access Request Tracking

Data Map and Logbook for accountability

Efficient, reliable, intuitive and scalable operating system for GDPR compliance


€ 450

starting from

An online questionnaire gives us insights on your needs

A personalised Privacy policy tailored to your business

Highest standards of GDPR compliance guaranteed

Your Questions, Our Answers

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